Frequently asked questions
How is the price of OMG Network (OMG) determined?
The price of OMG Network (OMG) is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. When more people want to buy OMG than there are sellers, the price goes up. When more people want to sell OMG than there are buyers, the price goes down. Factors that can influence the demand for OMG include news, adoption, and overall market sentiment.
How much does OMG Network (OMG) cost to buy?
The cost of OMG Network (OMG) will vary depending on the current market price. You can check the current price of OMG on the BTC Markets prices page.
Is it safe to buy OMG Network (OMG)?
As with any investment, there is always a level of risk involved. It is important to conduct your own research.
Can you convert OMG Network (OMG) to cash?
Yes, you can convert OMG Network (OMG) to cash by selling it on a trusted exchange like BTC Markets. We support OMG which you can sell into AUD then withdraw to your bank account.
How did OMG Network (OMG) begin?
OMG Network (OMG) is a project created by Omise, a fintech company founded in 2013 that provides payment services in Southeast Asia. In 2017, Omise launched the OmiseGO network with the goal of creating a decentralised, public financial infrastructure for Southeast Asia and beyond. The OMG token was created as a utility token to be used on the network and sold through an initial coin offering (ICO) to fund the development of the network.
How much OMG Network (OMG) can I buy?
BTC Markets does not place a cap on the amount of OMG Network (OMG) you can buy. You may start from $15 and go onwards to buy up to $150,000 or more per day.
Can I buy OMG Network (OMG) with a debit card?
You can buy OMG Network (OMG) with instant OSKO payments and individual BSB and account number.
What is the maximum supply of OMG Network (OMG)?
OMG Network has a maximum supply of 140.25 million OMG.